Prince William has a core group of trained Master Gardeners in the Northern Virginia Bird Alliance Wildlife Sanctuary Program who have certified well over 100 homes. To make more land in Prince William County wildlife-friendly, start to certify your property today.
First, take a look at the Wildlife Sanctuary Program Application (link below) which details what you need to know to get certified.
Learn more about the Wildlife Sanctuary Program When visiting this link, you may request a visit by clicking on the large orange REQUEST A VISIT button.
Wildlife Sanctuary Program Application The application will help you learn what is needed to become certfied as a sanctuary.
The Wildlife Sanctuary Program stresses:
- Conservation and protection of water – e.g. by using rain barrels
- Removal of invasive plants
- Replacement of non-native plants with native species
- Reduction or elimination of commercial fertilizers and pesticides
- Greater preservation of public and private natural areas
- The Wildlife Sanctuary Program initiative is helping people bring nature back to the homes and communities here in northern Virginia.
Publications that will help you get certified:
Creating Wildlife Habitat One Property at a Time
Link to Native Plants for Wildlife
Captivating Containers with Native Plants
Let’s Grow Native!
Articles reprinted with permission from Virginia Wildlife Magazine, a publication of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.
Landscape Choices Inspired by Nature – Carol A. Heiser
September-October 2020 Lets Grow Native
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