“Struggling with thinning grass or bare spots? Want to have a more environmentally conscious landscape, but don’t know where to start? BEST Lawns can help minimize the guesswork! By enrolling in our Building Environmentally S
The BEST Landscapes program makes the best use of valuable resources (your time and money) to decrease lawn overfertilization and minimize your impact on the Chesapeake Bay watershed. A Prince William Master Gardener volunteer will visit your property to collect a soil sample and measure your lawn/garden areas. They will also survey your property for weeds and complete a thorough site analysis to identify landscape problems. After the site visit, your soil sample will be mailed to the Virginia Tech Soil Testing Laboratory for analysis. Based on the results of the soil analysis, a customized nutrient management plan will be written for you and will provide specific nutrient recommendations for lime and fertilizer. We will also provide additional resources on best landscaping management practices, gardening, creating wild life habitats and more.
Additionally, Soil Test Kits are available at the following libraries: Bull Run, Central Community, Chinn Park, Haymarket/Gainesville, Montclair, and Potomac. They are also available at the PWC Extension office (8033 Ashton Avenue, Suite 105), at Merrifield Garden Center and all Master Gardener Plant Clinics (see calendar for upcoming clinic dates and locations in spring and summer). For more info on soil test kits see our HELP DESK page.
Depending upon the current condition of your landscape, converting to a BEST Landscapes will take some time and planning. Don’t delay! A $40 fee covers one soil test, supplies, materials, and a personalized report. Additional soil samples are available for $15 each. Download the BEST Landscape Application to enroll. Please note: lawn assessments are prioritized by date of receipt, weather, soil moisture and Master Gardener volunteer availability.
For additional information, please contact the BEST Lawns and Landscapes Program Coordinator at BestLawns@pwcgov.org or 703-792-4037.
Twelve Steps to a Greener Lawn Course Request
Learn how to make the best use of your time and money to protect our watershed AND green up your lawn at the same time. Learn about research-based best management practices to prevent problems and grow your best lawn ever! Schedule a free virtual or in-person Twelve Steps to a Greener Lawn class for your homeowner’s association or group, contact the VCE Environmental Educator at 703-792-4037 or send an email request to BESTlawns@pwcgov.org.
Twelve Steps to a Greener Lawn Video
Best Lawns Spring 2024 Newsletter
Lawn Care Calendars: Warm Season Grasses Cool Season Grasses
Lawn Fertilization in Virginia
2023-2024 Virginia Turfgrass Variety Recommendations
Reducing Pesticide Use in the Home Lawn and Garden
Calibrating Your Lawn Spreader
Selecting Landscape Plants:Groundcovers